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Results: 2 Record(s) Found.

The primary objective of the Catholic War Veterans is to make the entire nation acutely aware of the struggle and needs of many veterans, their widows and children. We, as survivors, have an obligation to our fallen brothers and sisters to inform the people of our country that many veterans and their families need assistance; that these veterans have made sacrifices for their country and deserve to be treated accordingly, with proper respect and support. It is also the responsibility of the...
Categories: Veteran Service Organization
This site is dedicated to a group of eight "Landing Ship Tanks" called landing ship Squadron Nine and the proud officers and crewmen who served aboard them with great fortitude and pride. These ships are no longer a part of the U. S. Navy and it's landing forces, but they will not be forgotten in the hearts and minds of the men they served well.
Categories: Organizations/Associations/Clubs
Results: 2 Record(s) Found.