Project 100,000

August 23, 1966

Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara in the White House Cabinet Room, November 22, 1967. (Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library)

In order to meet a growing need for military personnel in Vietnam, Secretary of Defense McNamara announces the start of Project 100,000. It is a social program that allows the military to accept men who do not meet the standards on the Armed Forces Qualification Test or who have physical limitations. By providing these draftees and enlistees with additional educational or medical support, McNamara hopes to offer disadvantaged groups marketable skills for post-military life while also meeting manpower requirements.

Through Project 100,000, the military accepts some 350,000 “New Standards Men” between 1966 and 1972. New Standards Men generally have less education, and they are disproportionately southerners and African Americans. The project is ultimately unsuccessful because New Standards Men often end up in combat specialties with little marketability in civilian life. Some New Standards veterans note, however, that they feel their military experiences positively affect their later lives.1