Fall of I Corps

March 1, 1975

President Thieu’s Briefing Map, 11 March 1975
President Thieu’s Briefing Map, 11 March 1975
President Thieu’s Briefing Map, 11 March 1975

President Thieu orders his commanders to move two divisions to the Saigon area, and to begin further withdrawals south. I Corps is defended by three South Vietnamese army divisions, a marine division, an armor brigade, and three ranger regiments. Highway 1 becomes choked with refugees, complicating troop movements. Five North Vietnamese divisions, with multiple armor, sapper, artillery, and anti-aircraft regiments in support, press east. They cut Highway 1 and force a South Vietnamese withdrawal toward coastal pockets at Da Nang, Chu Lai, and Hue. With a lack of government support, collapsing troop morale, and masses of refugees, I Corps falls under North Vietnamese control.1