National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Is there a national day that honors Vietnam Veterans?
Vietnam Veterans
What is the purpose of this Commemoration?
How many Americans living today served during the Vietnam War period?
Does the Commemoration honor those who fought the war, and, after returning, opposed U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia?
Do you have any interviews from Vietnam veterans?
For this Commemoration, what defines a Vietnam veteran?
Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pins
What is a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin?
Who is eligible to receive a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin?
How does a Vietnam veteran get a lapel pin?
How do Commemorative Partners acquire these lapel pins to present to Vietnam veterans?
What do the images on this lapel pin symbolize?
Are these lapel pins free?
When were Vietnam veteran lapel pins first released?
Can service members of our Allies receive a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin?
Can civilians working and/or injured in Vietnam during the Vietnam War period receive a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin?
Are there other types of pins available for presentation?
Commemorative Partners
What are Commemorative Partners?
How many Commemorative Partners have joined this effort?
How do Commemorative Partners thank and honor Vietnam veterans and their families?
What is the difference between a Commemorative Partner hosting an event and a company buying a national advertisement that thanks Vietnam veterans?
What kind of support does the Commemoration staff provide to Commemorative Partners?
For Commemorative Partners
What is the Commemorative Partner Portal?
I forgot my password. How do I log in?
How do I use the Commemorative Partner Seal and Flag?
How do I submit a request for support for an event we are hosting?
How far in advance do I need to submit an Event Request Form?
What types of support are available?
Is there a reference list of available Commemoration materials?
Is there a list of available speakers?
How soon will I hear if my request for support is approved?
What is an AAR, and why do I need to submit one?
How do I get my event photos shown?
How did "The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration" start?
When is the actual 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War?
Who leads The Commemoration?
Is the Commemoration staff planning any events?
How will you measure if you are successful?
National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Vietnam Veterans
Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pins
Commemorative Partners
For Commemorative Partners
The Partner Portal allows secure access by our Commemorative Partners to submit requests for event support (DD Form 2956), after-actions reports (DD Form 2957), and view and obtain other helpful resources (i.e., Commemorative Partner Reference Guide, Style Guide, use of the Commemorative Partner Flag, access to and use of the Commemorative Partner Seal). Access is granted through a User ID and password emailed to the Committee Chairperson upon acceptance in the program.
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On the Partner Portal login page, click on the "Forgot Password?" link. You will be prompted to enter the email address of the Committee Chairperson (this is also the User ID). A new password will then be emailed to the Committee Chairperson.
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The Commemoration has two seals; both are protected by law. The first is our official seal, which is authorized for use only by Commemoration staff on official material (e.g., website, printed material).
The second, the Commemorative Partner (CP) Seal, is similar to, yet distinctive from, the official seal and contains a banner under the seal that reads "COMMEMORATIVE PARTNER." Our Commemorative Partners are authorized to use the CP Seal, and access is found inside the Partner Portal. Our Partners are not authorized use of our official seal.
Our Partners also have access to an electronic version of both the CP Seal and the Flag through the Commemorative Partner Portal, along with a Style Guide providing guidance on the proper use of each, including display of the Flag.
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A request is made by submitting a DD Form 2956 through the Commemorative Partner Portal as follows:
1) Log on to the Portal.
2) Click on the "Event Support" tab.
3) Under "Commemorative Events Request Form", click on the (online) DD2956.
4) Complete the form
-- Note: any fields in RED and noted at the top of the page need correction before the form will be accepted by the system.
5) A "Thank You" page will appear when the form has been properly submitted.
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Submit your request for support (DD Form 2956) at least 90 days before your event when requesting a speaker, booth or both (Full Support). 60 days is the lead time required when requesting materials or a website posting of your event. Requests not meeting these timelines will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
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Three levels of support are available —
1) "Event Website Posting" only, where your event is posted on the Commemorative Events map;
2) "Materials." These include an Event Website Posting, along with Commemoration materials, which include Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pins, Certificates of Honor and their accompanying lapel pins, pamphlets, posters, stickers and tin-pin buttons; and
3) "Full Support," available on a limited basis. This includes Event Website Posting, materials, and support by VWC personnel (e.g., speaker, staffed booth or both). Commemorative Partners incur no costs for any materials or Full Support.
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Yes; a printable PDF of materials is available exclusively to our Partners via the Partner Portal under the “Event Support” tab.
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The Commemoration does not provide a list of speakers; however, speakers typically are retired Military senior leaders, as well as Vietnam veterans. Although availability is limited, you may let us know the type of speaker you are seeking and we will do our best to fulfill your request.
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Requests for event website postings are typically approved and posted within 2 business days. For requests involving materials and/or full support, Partners are typically notified within 10 business days. To verify our receipt of your request, please call (877) 387-9951, or email whs.vnwar50th_events@mail.mil.
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An AAR is our acronym for an "After-Action Report" (DD Form 2957). Once Commemorative Partners hold an event, we ask that they submit an AAR through the Partner Portal. This allows the Commemoration staff to keep records of all events supported, report cumulative progress and take corrective action when any process improvements are needed.
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