Commemorative Partner Listing

H.E.M.S.I. Highspire VFW
Habitat for Humanity International Hightower Trail Chapter, NSDAR
Habitat for Humanity of Washington, DC Hill AFB Commissary
Haddonfield Chapter, NSDAR Hill Air Force Base
Hainerberg Exchange Hill Air Force Base Exchange
Halcyon Hospice-Philadelphia Hilliard A. Wilbanks Foundation
Haleakala Chapter NSDAR Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
Halifax Convention Chapter, NSDAR Hillsdale Veteran Affairs
Halimah Chapter NSDAR Hilo Vet Center
Halpatiokee Chapter, NSDAR Hilton Stone American Legion Post 279, Department of Tennessee
Hamburg Enhanced Recreation Organization (H.E.R.O.) Hinds County Board of Supervisors
Hamburg Legion Riders Post 637 Hinds Hospice
Hammes Farms Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin
Hammond Memorial VFW Post 3438 Historic Oakwood Cemetery
Hampton County Historical Society Historic Programs
Hampton County Sheriff Office Historical and Genealogical Society of Indiana County
Hampton National Cemetery Historical Outreach Foundation
Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA HISTORY (History Channel)
Hampton Roads Naval Museum History Heals Foundation
Hampton VA Medical Center Hitchcock County American Legion
Hampton Veterans Memorial Fund, Inc. Hiwassee Chapter NSDAR
Hancock County Veterans Service Office Hiwassee SOAR Chapter
Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, NSDAR Hobby Senior Squadron SWR-TX-451
Hannah Caldwell Chapter, NSDAR Hobkirk Hill Chapter, NSDAR
Hannah Clarke Chapter NSDAR Hofstra ROTC
Hannah Cole Chapter - NSDAR Hohenfels Commissary
Hannah Goddard Chapter MDAR Holden Memorial VFW Post 5844
Hannah Hull Chapter, NSDAR Holisticare Hospice
Hannah Lee Chapter, NSDAR Holley-Riddle Post 21, The American Legion
Hannah Luther Bosworth Chapter NSDAR Holloman AFB
Hannah Tracy Grant Chapter DAR Holloman AFB Commissary
Hannibal Heritage Chapter DAR Holloman Air Force Base Exchange
Hanscom AFB Commissary Holly Area Veterans Resource Center
Hanscom Air Force Base Exchange Hollywood Chapter NSDAR
Harbor Light Hospice Holt, Boyd, & Wheeler County Veteran Service Office
Hardin County History Museum Holy Family Memorial Hospice
Hario Village Commissary Home Base
Harlandale Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4815 Home Care Assistance, Mesa, AZ
Harman Station Chapter, NSDAR Home Healthcare Hospice and Community Services
Harmon Runnels Chapter, MSSDAR Home of the Brave
Harmony Hall Chapter, NSDAR Home of the Brave Quilters, Quilts of Valor Foundation
Harmony Mission Chapter DAR Home Port Alliance
Harnett County Veterans Council Homeland Hospice
Harney Peak Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Homeless Veteran Program at the Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital
Harriet G Walker Chapter, NSDAR Homestead Air Force Base Exchange
Harrington Marlar Post 3708 V.F.W. Homeville Museum
Harris County Vet Center Honda North America
Harrisburg Chapter, NSDAR Honduras Exchange
Harrisburg High School Class 1961 Honolulu Vet Center
Harrison Colony Chapter, Arkansas DAR Honor and Remember of NY
Harrison County Iowa Veterans Affairs Honor and Remember, Inc
Harrison County Veterans Service Office Honor Flight - Top of Virginia
Harrison County VSO Honor Flight & Portrait of a Warrior Kern Co.
Harrison Village Commissary Honor Flight Central Coast California
Harrison's Hope Hospice Honor Flight Chicago
Harry S Truman Chapter of Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution Honor Flight Columbus
Hartford HealthCare Honor Flight DCA Volunteers
Hartford Regional Office, Veterans Benefit Administration Honor Flight Houston
Harthill Marketing Services Honor Flight Kentucky
Hartland Lake Country Rotary Club Honor Flight Maine
Harvest Time International, Inc. Honor Flight Network
Harvey-Merriman Post 190 The American Legion Honor Flight Nevada
Hatchie Chapter NSDAR Honor Flight Northeast Indiana
Hatfield Medical Group Honor Flight Northern Arizona
Havasu Chapter, NSDAR Honor Flight of Portland Oregon
Haven Hospice Honor Flight of the Appalachian Highlands
Hawaii Chapter Association of the United States Army Honor Flight of the Ozarks
Hawaii Department of Defense Honor Flight of the Quad Cities
Hawai'i Loa Chapter, DAR Honor Flight Philadelphia
Hawaii Society Sons of the American Revolution Honor Flight Pittsburgh
Hawaii State Office of Veterans Services Honor Flight South Florida, Inc.
Hawaii State Organization, NSDAR Honor Flight Southern Nevada
Hawkinsville Chapter, NSDAR Honor Flight Southland
Hay Springs Chamber of Commerce Honor Flight Tallahassee
Hayes-Pannell Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4543 HONOR FOR ALL
Hazard KY NSDAR Chapter Honor Our Military, Inc.
HCTours Honored Legacies for Veterans
Head of Elk Chapter, NSDAR Honoring Hiring Helping Our Heroes of Pinal County
Headquarters Marine Corps Honoring Our Heroes
Headquarters US Army Forces Command Hontokalo Chapter, NSDAR
Headquarters, TRADOC / Fort Eustis Hood Memorial AMEZ Church
Headquarters, United States Air Force Hooksett Library
Healing Heroes of the Lowcountry Fund Hope For Tomorrow
Healing Warrior Hearts Hope Healthcare Services Fort Myers
Healing Waters Retreat at Falling Springs Hope Hospice
Healthcare and Retirement Solutions LLC Hopewell Chapter NSDAR
Heart 'n Home Hospice and Palliative Care, La Pine, OR Horry County Schools
Heart N Home Hospice Fruitland, ID Horseshoe Prairie NSDAR
Heart 'n Home Hospice, Meridian, ID Horseshoe Robertson Chapter DAR
Heart of America Patriot Foundation Hospice & Community Care
Heart of Hospice Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region
Heart of Hospice - Bayou Hospice Alliance
Heart of Hospice - Lafayette Hospice and Community Care
HEART OF HOSPICE - NEW ORLEANS Hospice Care Of South Carolina
Heart of Hospice - Northeast Hospice Care of the Lowcountry
Heart of Hospice - Northshore Hospice Community Care of Nebraska
Heart of Hospice - Olive Branch Hospice East Bay
Heart of Hospice Central Hospice Family Care
Heart of Hospice Delta Hospice in the Pines
Heart of Hospice Lake Charles Hospice of Amador and Calaveras
Heart of Hospice Western AR Hospice of Central Pennsylvania
HEART OF HOSPICE, LLC Hospice of Cincinnati
Heart of Hospice-Southeastern OK Hospice of Dayton
Heart of Texas NSSDP Hospice of Helping Hands, Inc.
Heart of Texas Veterans One Stop Hospice of Miami County
Heart of the Nation Chapter 115, Military Order of the Purple Heart Hospice of New Jersey
Heart To Heart Hospice Hospice of Northeast Georgia Medical Center
Heart to Heart Hospice, Indianapolis Hospice of Northwest Michigan
Hearth Hospice Hospice of Siouxland
Heartland Hospice Hospice of Southwest Iowa
Heartland Hospice - Fond du Lac, WI Hospice of the Chesapeake
Heartland Hospice Blue Bell, PA Hospice of the Miami Valley
Heartland Hospice Frankfort Office Hospice of the North Coast
Heartland Hospice Madison, WI Hospice of the Valley
Heartland Hospice of Warrenton Hospice of the Valley, San Jose
Heartland Hospice Westmont Hospice of the Wabash Valley
Heartland Hospice, Beltsville Hospice of the West
Heartland Hospice, Erie Hospice of the Western Reserve
Heartland Hospice, Indiana Hospice of Wichita Falls
Heartland Hospice, Virginia Beach Hospice Veteran Partnership of Indiana
Hearts2Heal Hospice Visions, Inc
Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc. Hot Springs of Arkansas, DAR
HEATHERSTONE at Ford Mountain Lakes Hot Springs Village VFW Post 10483
Helen J Stewart Chapter, NSDAR Houghton County Veterans Affairs
Helena Vet Center House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
Helicopter Association International House of Flags Museum, Inc.
Help Hospitalized Veterans Housecalls Hospice
Hempstead County Veterans Services Office Houston Astros
Henderson County Public Library Houston Battalion Army ROTC
Henderson Station Chapter NSDAR Houston National Cemetery
Henderson Vet Center Houston VA Regional Office
Henderson-Gen. Nicholas Herkimer Chapter, NSDAR Houston West Vet Center 711
Hendersonville Funeral Home and Memory Gardens Howard Chapel United Methodist Church
Hendrick Hudson Chapter, NSDAR Howard County Chapter, NSDAR
Henricopolis Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Howard Plant VFW Post 782
Henry Clay Chapter, NSDAR Howard S. Keeling American Legion Post 138
Henry County Chapter NSDAR Howell Norton Post 8987
Henry County Historical Society Howlin' Mad Smith Detachment Marine Corps League 592
Henry County Veterans Affairs HPH Hospice
Henry County Veterans Service HQ AFRC
Henry Downs Chapter NSDAR HQ Air Mobility Command
Henry Durant Chapter, DAR HQDA, DCS, G-4
Henry Ford Health Hospice HSNHC Veterans Outreach Center
Henry Hart Post 1411 VFW Hubbard Co Veterans Service
Henry Knox Chapter, NSDAR HUD Veterans Affinity Group
Henry Laurens Chapter, NSDAR Hudson Berry Daughters of the American Revolution
Henry Leavenworth Chapter 5302, Association of the United States Army Hudson River Patriots Chapter, NSDAR
Henry Middleton Chapter, NSDAR Hudson Valley Honor Flight
Henry Morrison Flagler Chapter, NSDAR Hugh Rogers Chapter DAR
Herbert W. Best VFW Post 928 Human Engineering Research Laboratories
Heritage Park Veterans Museum Humana - Knoxville, Tennessee
Heritage Trails Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Humana - MarketPoint Northeast
Hermitage DAR Chapter Humana Baton Rouge
Hermitage Residents Club Humana Guidance Center
Hero Hut Humana- Kissimmee, Florida
Heroes Hall Museum & Education Center Humana MarketPoint Mississippi
Heroes of Kings Mountain DAR Humana Marketpoint NE - PA
Heroes With Hearing Loss Humana Marketpoint-Colorado
Hero's Bridge Humana Marketpoint-Humana Delray Office
Hetuck Chapter Daughters Of The American Revolution Humana-Louisville, Kentucky
Hic-A-Sha-Ba-Ha, DAR Hungarian Social Club of Ashford
Hickam AFB Commissary Hungerford's Tavern NSDAR
Hickam Air Force Base Exchange Hunt County Disabled American Veterans Chapter 81
Hickory Bluff Chapter NSDAR Hunter AAF Commissary
Hickory Tavern Chapter, NSDAR Hunter Army Air Field Exchange
High Desert Chapter, NSDAR Huntington VA Medical Center
High Desert Vet Center Huntington Vet Center
High Point Gamer Hunt's Spring Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution
Highland Avenue Fellowship Huntsville Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Highland Park Chapter, NSDAR Huron County Veterans Services
Highland Park Christian Academy Hush-Puck-A-Haw Chapter, DAR