Event Detail

Ray City Plow Day

3/21/2015 - 3/21/2015

Commemorative Partner: American Legion Otranto Post 115
Website URL: none
Point of Contact: Eugene L. Molisee
Event Location: 101 Ward St., Ray City, GA, 31645
Description: We will have a parade and veterans float will have Vietnam veterans.The commemorative flag will be displayed. We will have a booth set up with the different materials you have provided for this event. I have contacted a few veterans that will be there to answer any questions and tell about their time in Nam. Looking forward to presenting our experiences to the public. I expect to have a turn out of more than 100 and there will be many veterans. Will be 7 miles from moody AFB. This is a great retirement area. This event was just finalized on 20 Jan 2015, so it will only be 60 days to event.


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