Week of June 9

Week of June 9

On June 10, 1965, the first Australian combat troops arrived in South Vietnam by sea aboard the HMAS Sydney. These soldiers belonged to the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR). The remainder of the 1RAR arrived by air in the following days and weeks. At the time, the 1RAR consisted of approximately 1,400 men, including one combat infantry battalion, a signals unit, and several other elements. The 1RAR established its headquarters near Biên Hòa Air Base, where the regiment was officially attached to the U.S. Army 173d Airborne Brigade.

Australia was among the earliest of the U.S. and South Vietnamese allies to commit to fighting in Vietnam. The first Australians arrived in Southeast Asia in 1962—30 jungle warfare specialists assigned to help train South Vietnamese counterinsurgency forces. At its peak, the number of Australian troops deployed to Vietnam at any one time was 8,000, in 1968.

One of Australia’s most significant battles of the war was the battle of Long Tân on August 18, 1966. On that day, an Australian patrol of about 100 men discovered a North Vietnamese regiment that was preparing to attack the Australian Army base at Núi Đất. Heavily outnumbered but supported by nearby artillery, the Australians held off the North Vietnamese regiment for several hours before finally being reinforced and relieved in the evening, forcing the attacking Communist troops to retreat.

In all, over 60,000 Australians served in the Vietnam War as ground combat troops, pilots, artillery officers, sailors, and in countless other roles. A total of 521 Australians were killed during the course of the war.1

1“Australia and the Vietnam War: Bien Hoa Province,” http://vietnam-war.commemoration.gov.au/vietnam-war/bien-hoa-province.php (accessed 4/1/14); Graham A. Cosmas, United States Army in Vietnam: MACV: The Joint Command in the Years of Escalation, 1962–1967 (Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, 2006), 211–12, 218. Spencer C. Tucker, ed., The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History (2nd edition; Santa Barbara, Ca.: ABC-CLIO, 2011), 83; Jeff Doyle, Jeffrey Grey, and Peter Pierce, Australia’s Vietnam War (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2002); Stanley Robert Larson and James Lawton Collins, Jr., Allied Participation in Vietnam (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1985).

Australian Vietnam War-era Military Poster

Australian Vietnam War-era military poster, circa 1965–1969. (National Archives)

1RAR Troops near Bien Hoa

1RAR troops near Biên Hòa move through rice paddies on a search and destroy mission, after just having been landed by the U.S. helicopters overhead, January 1966. (Australia War Memorial)

Members of Support Company, 4RAR

Members of Support Company, 4RAR, repair damaged sandbags around their weapon pit during the monsoon season, 1968. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

Wounded 5RAR Soldier

An Australian soldier of 5RAR wounded by a booby trap during Operation Beaumaris is lifted onto a 9 Squadron Iroquois. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

Private Ian Male

A US Army 9th Division convoy passes Private Ian Male, B Company, 6RAR, on South Vietnam’s Route 15 in January 1967. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment

In November 1967 a 9 Squadron Iroquois lands to pick up members of the 7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (7RAR) during operation Santa Fe. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps

Demonstrating a baby bouncinette during their visit to the village of Hoa Long are [L - R] Lieutenant Margaret Ahern; Lieutenant Colleen Mealy; Captain Amy Pittendriegh and Lieutenant Terrie Roche, June 1967. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

16 Construction Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers

Members of 16 Construction Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers (RAE) clearing an area for a new storage hut for the 1st Ordnance Field Park at Núi Đất, March 1968. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

1ATF Field Hospital

The Australian base at Vũng Tàu. The 1ATF Field Hospital in the foreground with the Red Cross indicating the helicopter landing pad. The RAAF base is in the background. C. 1970. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

Vietnamese Popular Force soldiers riding on Australian APCs

Vietnamese Popular Force soldiers riding on Australian APCs await the completion of a B52 Strike in the Light Green. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

HMAS Sydney

HMAS Sydney; an aerial shot showing her open flight wells. The aircraft carrier was not air-conditioned and in the tropics the heat below decks was extreme. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

American, South Vietnamese and Australian Personnel

A United States Navy vessel with American, South Vietnamese and Australian personnel are on board in the Đồng bằng Sông Cửu Long (Mekong Delta) in 1970. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

RAN Clearance Diving Team 3

RAN Clearance Diving Team 3, USN and Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) personnel searching for enemy mines and obstructions in a Sông Cửu Long (Mekong River) tributary. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

2 Squadron Canberra Bomber

A 2 Squadron Canberra bomber comes to a stop after an operation. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)

35 Squadron Caribou

A 35 Squadron Caribou seen through the cargo door of another aircraft. (Australian Government Department of Veteran Affairs)