12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
I thought we had handed out pins, but no, we handed out our own pins to commemorate the day. 1000 were made and none were left at the end of the day. This was our biggest Pearl Harbor event. Most important. This was the unveiling of our VWC flag.
When first seen by the National Cemetery All-Forces Honor Guard (all Vietnam Vets), who conduct our flag ceremonies, they had no idea about the Commemorative Partner Program and flocked around the flag when we opened the package for the first time. Several literally were in tears (not kidding). Then, a nice (but not so nice) argument ensued as to who would show the flag at the Pearl Harbor Ceremony. Well, the highest ranking officers (retired of course) won out. That flag being unveiled literally brought hundreds of Vietnam Veterans and their families to tears as Dick Haley, a combat Vietnam Veteran and the MC described what the flag, the pins meant and as he read the proclamations.
After the ceremony, we had to hold the flag open for nearly an hour as the Veterans looked at it and talked about it.