12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The United States Marine Corps 7th Engineer Battalion Vietnam Veterans Association will be holding its 15th annual reunion at the Town and Country Resort & Convention Center located in San Diego, CA. For room reservations, call the Hotel at 800-772-8527. Group code is 7thEng. Group rate is $99 + tax per night for single/double. Complimentary parking. Reservations should be made by August 29th for this rate. For info on the Hotel, visit www.towncountry.com Schedule of Events includes: Thursday, Sept. 19: Arrival -- with Registration and Hospitality Room open for fellowship during the reunion. Friday, Sept. 20: Depart early for Camp Pendleton to enjoy a full day as honored guests of the 7th Engineer Support Battalion. Our hosts have planned tours and demonstrations. They will have lunch with us and share the stories of their lives and experience as a Marine today and they’ll listen to our stories from our tour in Vietnam. Saturday, Sept 21: 08:00 – Memorial Breakfast, Posting of Colors, Flag Folding Ceremony, POW/MIA Ceremony. 17:00 – Happy Hour 18:00 – Dinner Banquet and Program Sunday, Sept 22: Time to depart until we meet again in 2014! For registration information, visit www.usmc.org/7th/ and look under REUNIONS on Home Page or contact Norm Johnson at 989-635-6653, delta1@centurytel.net, Doug McMackin at 623-466-0545, gunnymac@hotmail.com; or Jim Taranto at 518-567-4267, tarantoj@gmail.com.