12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
We will be having panel discussions on 3 of the days, manning interview rooms to record veterans and family members stories of the War, we are holding a dinner Wednesday night at our Statehouse with speakers and a video of photos taken during the war of Ohioans, we are displaying 3,097 crosses in the front of the main facility to honor the men and women we (OHIO) lost during the war that have their names on the Wall, we had a contest for the best poster (Elementary & Middle School children) and for the best essay (High School) along with setting up a mail call where EACH of our Vietnam Veterans will receive a ‘piece of mail’, a thank you poster or letter from a child. We will have the VA set up to sign veterans up and we will have VA counselors on site from 8 a.m. to midnight Tuesday-Friday. We have The Wall That Heals present for the entire event outside, information tables will be set up inside where panel discussions will be taking place (inside is where the table with items for the VWC will be located)