Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Fullerton College Veteran's Celebration Week, American Legion, California District 2 (09:00 AM - 05:00 PM)
Fullerton College will be honoring Vietnam Veterans by a former President of the College Veteran's Club and Commemorative Partnership Chairman to speak on his experience on campus following his service in Vietnam. Commemorative pins will be given to Vietnam Veterans and their families. Fullerton College will also be honoring all our veterans on the Campus Quad with the wall of rememberance, 24/7 honor guard, ceremonial lowering of the colors, veterans fils and workshops and a final night candl
Arts & Service Celebration – VAP – Veterans Artists Program (All Day Event)
Purpose: Propelling veterans into the mainstream creative arts community through networking, mentorship, collaborations and original productions
Activities: A week of workshops, service projects and performances supporting and celebrating veterans seeking professional careers in the arts.
Go to for more information and tickets