12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The first exposure of the Vietnam Commemoration to the local public. The public will be reminded of the Vietnam War 50th Anniversary with the flag in the parade and displayed for the Memorial Day celebration events in the park.
Boy Scout Troop #1068 carried the Commemorative flag in the parade. At the memorial park, the banner was placed on the front of the speaker stand. It was a silent witness to the spectator. Local school bands, chorus, military posts (VFW, American Legion, AMVETS, auxiliaries, etc.), and DAR ladies were all in attendance. Vietnam veteran, Sgt. 1st Class Wayne Sapp (Ret.) gave the address.
This was to be a silent witness to the Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration because there had been a serious discussion by Vietnam veterans about why do it. DAR decided to go this route quietly and win approval for further events. About two weeks prior, the committee met with 50 veterans and explained the partnership, passed out pins, brochures, and presented a set of posters to post.