12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
We have identified 173 Vietnam veterans living in Farmington who are using the property tax exemption. The number is undoubtedly higher since there is no way we can identify veterans who may be renting in our community. We wish to honor and thank these veterans of the Vietnam War, including POWs or MIAs, for their service and sacrifice on behalf of the US and to thank and honor their families by hosting a "Welcome Home Veteran" event in August of this year. Attending will be officials from the town, county and State including a military Honor and Color Guard. Our event, being the first in Western NY, drew Vietnam veterans from other counties mostly through "word of mouth". Months prior to the event were spent promoting it by visiting local business and military organizations. Local newspaper and TV, as well as, posters, were used to educate the public about the national program to commemorate the 50th anniversary. Speakers for the event were either Vietnam veterans and/or had a connection to the Vietnam Era. The Master of Ceremonies was affiliated with TV Channel 8. Many dignitaries attended including a Senator, Congressman, Assemblyman, and all town officials. New York State Patriot Guard Riders, #4 DAV, #468 Marine Corp League and Chapter #20 of Vietnam Veterans attended as well. After the program, we served food and beverages to everyone. The proclamation, button, and stickers were gift bagged and given to each Vietnam veteran. We received many donations from local businesses. Food, music, advertising, relief stations, and a tent were all donated.
We plan to repeat this event next year as feedback has been extremely positive.