12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
This event will be the first "Veterans Day Parade" at this site, the campus of the VA Hospital in Murfreesboro TN, honoring all who served, especially patients at the hospital who will be brought out to enjoy the event. Thirty-five units from a variety of community organizations will participate, and elected officials have promised to attend. TSDAR, as a Commemorative Partner, has agreed to provide volunteers to help with the event, passing out programs and helping with crowd control and parking. We would like to make sure the veterans present receive mementos of the day and would like a supply of tin badges and other souvenirs as available, and a supply of informational brochures.
We will be posting our 3'x 5' Vietnam War 50th Commemoration flag on its flagpole at the dais with the dignitaries. Please include this event on your website calendar.