12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
To recognize and honor Vietnam War Veterans (and families of those who died) by having the OSD office participate and recognize USACE as being a participating Commemorative Partner in the nationwide program of the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Vietnam War, and to highlight / kickoff USACE's support to this program. The event will also serve as a great Public Relations venue for the program, helping to spread the word of the Commemoration via those participating in the SAME Small Business Conference. Additionally, with 1600 plus individuals participating, there are likely to be companies owned by Vietnam War Veterans or that (at least) have Veterans employed within their companies. The conference is a venue for businesses (large and small) that compete in the federal market; attendees include DoD agency leaders and acquisition experts that provide information on such topics as upcoming business opportunities, tips on competing for contracts, etc. 10 federal agencies and 150 representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers participate, allowing for attendee networking, business & career development opportunities.