12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The purpose of the shipboard event was two-fold; to honor and thank Vietnam veterans for their service and contributions to our country, and to highlight the role of the Coast Guard during the Vietnam conflict. In order to provide veterans with an idea of how the Coast Guard operates and conducts its missions at sea, RUSH got underway at 0900 on the morning of 24JAN15. While underway, the veterans were given a shipboard tour and a brief history of RUSH's involvement in the Vietnam War. As part of the program, CAPT Vinciguerra, CAPT Jenkins, and several distinguished veterans, gave speeches in order to commemorate those who endured the hardships of the war. Lunch was also provided. While the event was really tailored towards veterans of the Vietnam War, veterans from all eras were welcome to attend. With the help of Col. Han, Col. Castagnetti, and other members of the 50th Vietnam Commemoration Committee, the crew of the RUSH had the distinct pleasure of honoring roughly 30 Vietnam Veterans and their spouses. This was a unique and special opportunity for RUSH, one that will resonate with the crew and veterans for years to come.