12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The speaker at the NE State Convention for the Daughters of the American Revolution at Friday's Banquet was Yvonne Schilz, Chief, Commemorative Partner Program and POW/MIA Liaison with the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration. She talked about her duties, showed a film about Vietnam Veterans and how they were/are treated (everybody was in tears), and then recognized the Veterans and their families of Daughters of the American Revolution. All Veterans were acknowledged, but as she called Vietnam Veterans, they came to the front and our NE State Regent, Kathy Ocasio, shook hands, then presented them with their certificate. Then our National DAR President General. Lynn Forney Young pinned the Vietnam pin on their lapels. There were also several mothers that were recognized who lost their sons or wives who lost their husbands in the Vietnam War. A display of uniforms from the Vietnam War for each branch was on display. Yvonne had a display table showing all the pins, buttons, magnets, etc., during the day. she also answered any questions we had. Yvonne gave my Chapter a box of the pins, etc., at the end of the Convention, as I had not ordered any for a spur-of-the-moment event coming up. She was so helpful and nice.
Chapter member Connie Plettner's brother, a Vietnam Veteran, could not make it until the Saturday night banquet. So, they acknowledged him in the same way after the Saturday night program. Elden Andrew Plettner, Jr./Navy E-5/Vietnam 1973/ was awarded his certificate and pin. It was very moving and his sister and Chapter members were very proud.