12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
On May 18th, members of the Ki-Ka-Ma-Sung Society, N.S.C.A.R. attended a meeting of the Kalamazoo City Commission. At the meeting, James Kraatz, the chair of the Michigan State C.A.R. Veterans Committee, presented a proposal requesting that the mayor and city commissioners issue a proclamation honoring Vietnam Veterans and their families. His proposal was endorsed by the Ki-Ka-Ma-Sung Society and by Regent Nancy Colburn, on behalf of the Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Chapter, NSDAR. The Ki-Ka-Ma-Sung Society and the Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Chapter are commemorative partners for the Vietnam War Commemoration. James' proposal was received with applause by the city commissioners and the members of the public who were present. As the next step, James will work on drafting the wording of the proclamation together with the mayor's office and Mr John Riling III, the Michigan president of the Vietnam Veterans of America. Here is the text of his proposal to the City of Kalamazoo:
Dear Mayor Hopewell and Members of the Kalamazoo City Commission,
I think that you should make a year that honors Vietnam veterans and their families, because it would make them feel better. I went to the last three honor flight Welcome Home receptions and welcomed home a lot of World War II veterans. They were all heroes. The Vietnam veterans are heroes too, but they haven’t ever gotten a welcome home. When they came home, lots of people blamed them for how unpopular the Vietnam War was, but it really wasn’t their fault. The war might still not be popular, but maybe a welcome home might make the veterans themselves more popular.
I think you should honor the veterans’ families, too, because some of the veterans died, and that made the families sad. You should also honor the families who had soldiers who were sent out and didn’t die, because they were probably really scared that they would die or get hurt really badly. They also might have missed the soldiers who went to fight. They missed