12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
This event is in partnership with the Quantico National Cemetery Staff and other DAR Chapters. We will begin at the AFRH (3700 N Capital St)for a wreath laying and pinning for Veterans, then drive to the VA Medical Center (50 Irving St NW)for a wreath laying and pinning, the the motorcade including Rolling Thunder & American Legion Riders will head to QNC for a final wreath laying.
Other than the cold & Wind, there were no issues or problems. DAR, SAR, CAR, Rolling Thunder & Patriot Guard Riders attended the Resident Reception for the AFRH Residents for Cake and Coffee, then the Residents were loaded on a bus and escorted by Rolling Thunder, VA Chapter 3 next door to the Old Soldiers National Cemetery for the actual ceremony. Those VN Veterans who opted not to attend due to the cold, were honored and pinned with a VN Lapel pin during the Reception. Guest Speaker, Mr Shaun Servais, Administrator of the AFRH, Washington DC, Mr Tony Thomas, Interim Director for Quantico & Alexandria National Cemetery also brought greetings on behalf of the VA and his staff. SAR(Sons of the American Revolution) were represented with a Wreath, CAR (Children of the American Revolution) were Represented with a Wreath; 4 DAR Chapters were represented with placement of their chapter wreaths & brought greetings from their Chapters. VFW 609, Patriot Guard Riders from VA & MD, Rolling Thunder VA Chapter 3, Girl Scout Troop 6881 were all represented and had a part in the Ceremony. Board of Directors from the AFRH, Patriot Guard and Rolling Thunder were also in attendance. Approx 200 lapel pins were given out, either to those veterans present or were given to someone who had a friend or relative not in attendance. Girl Scouts handed out 125 American Flags, guests were asked to place the flag at the headstone of a veteran no longer with us within the National Cemetery. One Woman, VN Veteran was also honored as receiving the 1947 DAR Good Citizen Award when she was in High School, she still h