12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Irving's Memorial Day Ceremony 2:30pm will honor all veterans (35 Vietnam deceased veterans whose names are on the wall) and families at Irving Veterans Memorial Park's Wall of Commemoration. Includes veteran speaker, color guards, reading objectives 50th Anniversary Vietnam War, unfurling of Vietnam War Commemorative flag, taps as a wall-wreath placement is completed.
On May 29, 2016 at 2:30 pm the Irving Veterans Memorial Park Committee honored all Irving veterans. All deceased veterans names were read including thirty-five Vietnam veterans whose names are on the Veterans Memorial Park's Commemoration Wall of Honor and a bell was rung after each name called. The impressive program included prayers, an inspiring veteran speaker, color guards, a DAR Member, Sandra Benton, on stage reading objectives of the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary Vietnam War before the Vietnam names were read, the Vietnam War Commemorative flag was displayed, and there was patriotic music by a choir. Refreshments were served.
Following the program attendees walked a few steps to the Veterans Memorial Park at the Wall of Commemoration, 544 Rock Island Road, and heard Taps played for the laying of the wreath. Sitting above the waterfall a new sculpture called "A Mother's Tear"--a mother and her two children -- was unveiled.
In a private service White Oak Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Past Regent, Barbara Brazil, with other Chapter members, presented Ben Combs, Vietnam Air Force Veteran, a Daughters of the American Revolution honors certificate, a Vietnam War Pin, and bumper sticker. The afternoon ceremony met several commemorative goals and was a success.