12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
We consider this event extremely successful. The event stretched over 5 days. During the duration of the event the AVTT Traveling Wall was present and open around around the clock. Vietnam Veterans from around the state of Arizona and those who were visitors to Sedona during the event were honored with pin presentations during the escort arrival for the Wall, the opening ceremonies for the AVTT Traveling Wall, during the Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Celebration, and individually by select members of the WHVVD staff. In addition we partnered with the Vietnam Veterans of America, and the Arizona Department of Veterans Services in holding a 50th Anniversary Luncheon at the Sedona Elks Lodge on April 1, 2016.
During the luncheon we honored 150 Vietnam Era Veterans with 50th Anniversary lapel pins, 50th Anniversary Challenge coins from the AZDVS. and Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day commemorative pins from the City of Sedona. Due to capacity restrictions we limited the luncheon to veterans only. Our guest speaker was Col. Thomas H. Kirk, Jr., USAF (Retired). Col. Kirk was a Vietnam POW who was shot down over Hanoi in 1967 and was repatriated in 1973. His talk was inspiring to all who were in attendance. Also in attendance were Col. Wanda Wright, USAF (Ret.), Director of the Arizona Department of Veterans Services, Gene Crego, State President of the Arizona Council of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Dr. Keith Piatt, Acting Director of the Northern Arizona VA Health Care system, Jefferson Begay, American Legion, Sacaton Arizona, and Eduard Uzumeckis, PhD, Chair of the Sedona Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Steering Committee. Jefferson Begay performed a traditional Native American Warriors Blessing. In addition we had a special appearance by Terrie Frankle, a USO performer, who had performed for several of the veterans in attendance when they were in Vietnam.