12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
On Sunday 12 June 2016, the AZ Territorial Chapter of the Association of the US Army celebrated the 241st birthday of the US Army and Flag Day with a luncheon held at McCormick Ranch Golf Pavilion, in Scottsdale, AZ. The guest speaker was Matthew K. Scott, a member of the Arizona Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Board of Managers, and a long-time member of the SAR organization. Matt, also, served as the Commander of the Arizona SAR Color Guard, which consisted of five other members, dressed in US Continental Army period attire. An historian by degree, his presentation focused on the “Selection and Burial of the First Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetery”. (SSG) Joseph P. Schwan – a WWII veteran, soldier of the elite 82nd Airborne Division, Marketing Director of our corporate sponsor: Double AA-Builders, and 55-year member of AUSA – joined COL (Ret) Jeanne J. Blaes, Chapter President, in the cutting of the U.S. Army Birthday cake. Our vocalist for the event was Miriam Schildkret, a Doctor of Musical Arts Candidate at AZ State University (ASU). Among our honored guests were Fred Marabel and his wife, Michelle London-Marable, of the Buffalo Soldiers of the AZ Territory – Ladies & Gentleman of the Regiment; both were dressed in period military attire.
As a Vietnam War Commemorative Partner, the Chapter set up a Vietnam War display table, with informational and Partnership promotional materials, and took time during the program to recognize and honor the nine Vietnam Veterans and their families that attended the event. Vietnam combat and era veterans were asked to stand and receive our thanks; several of these individuals were recognized at previous events to include: Bill Roscher (USA), Ron Perkins (USAF), John Ady (USA), Tom Marabel (USA), Gene Rafanelli (USA), Ray Boucher (USAF). No photos of this part of the program were captured by our photographer from the AZ Veterans Connection, the media that covered this event.
America’s Yodeling Sweetheart, Paula Williams