12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The Thailand-Laos-Cambodia Brotherhood (TLCB), our 600+ member veterans organization, must have an annual reunion in the Washington metro area at least once in every 4 years. This year we will celebrate the continuity between General Washington's call to arms of the Continental Army and the call to arms of those who served in the Vietnam War. We will visit Mount Vernon, followed by a wreath ceremony at The Wall on the Mall by our survivors of the Vietnam War. On one evening we will have a Memory Auction where we auction off mementos of the Vietnam War to our members who are generally dressed in fatigues & TLCB hats. The proceeds go to our 501(C)3 certified Assistance Fund which constructs and expands clinics, educational activities (schools, dormitories, libraries, scholarships) under our own supervision in villages in Laos & NE Thailand. Since our founding in 1998 we have contributed approximately $575,000 from our private donations. On the Saturday we will provide Members and Guests with briefings about specific and generally unknown important historic aspects of the war - for example, the real "Top Story" as to what happened in the Battle for Lima Site 85. Our Guest Speaker for our banquet is MG(R) Jackson, Director of the USA Vietnam War Commemoration Office. This reunion is our 4th Commemorative Partner Event. Previous events were held in Gilbert (Phoenix), AZ; Boston, MA; Colorado Springs, CO. We are and organization which pays special attention to Vietnam War POW/MIA because so many of them came from bases in Thailand, or were involved in cross-border raids, FAC, intelligence, and clandestine operations in the "Secret War". As an organization we fought, and supported the "shooters", throughout SEA including North and South Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. If you're reading this I'll buy your first drink at Combat Auction Night on 16 Sep at 7:45 PM! Bill ("Willi Pete") Peterson - Da Nang, Monkey Mountain, Korat, and on orbit at 9,500' north of PDJ 1967-68