12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
At the request of Elmcroft Senior Living Center, Vet to Vet TN (V2VT) will be conducting a “Welcome Home” Veteran Appreciation event on September 19, 2016. Elmcroft is the host for the event, however, they have 3 other senior centers attending this event.
Vet to Vet TN will present “Welcome Home” Commemoration event after each service, starting with a prayer, pledge of allegiance, presentation of a Veterans hat, a certificate of appreciation from V2VT, wrist bands, bandanas, dog tags and handmade wooden crosses. V2VT will include the "Welcome Home" introduction and present all of the CP materials in addition to V2VT's material and end the celebration with the Armed Forces Medley.
Event included 75 attendees; 16 were Vietnam Veterans and 8 family members. Army - 11 Air Force - 3 and Navy - 2; 16 males.
Elmcroft had the foyer decorated for the event and were very energetic. V2VT provided hand held American Flags. Each recipient was recognized individually by branch of service. The Armed Forces medley was played by each branch prior to the pinning. After pinning all of the recipients, the Armed Forces medley was played while the attendees waived their hand held flags.
V2VT VWC presenters: Freddie Owens, Mike Crawford, Paul Shirley, Randall Scott, Wayne Arden, George Howell, Henry Cleveland, Don Byrd, Bob Hatley and Ed Junod.
Meet 1-2 objectives, was heartfelt and sacred. Many of the Veterans approved taking photos of themselves.
Lesson learned; The planned event failed to met the targeted audience due to the National Senior Citizens week which occurred 1 week before our event. Do not schedule an event immediately after a national event. V2VT was unaware of the week long event.