12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The Wall provides the community with a multi-day an educational experience for local schools, organizations and visitors on the history of the Vietnam era and The Wall. The exhibit includes a mobile Education Center comprised of: photos of service members whose names are found on The Wall; letters and memorabilia left at The Wall in D.C.; a map of Vietnam and a chronological overview of the conflict in Vietnam. The exhibits tell the story of the Vietnam War, The Wall and the era surrounding the conflict, and are designed to put American experiences in Vietnam in a historical and cultural context.
The Wall will arrive on Wednesday, October 26, 2106 escorted by the CT Patriots Guard, Iron Law and CT Cruise News Riders around11:00 a.m. at Young’s Field. There are several events scheduled throughout the community while The Wall is in New Milford including Sue Reich’s Quilt Display at the Railroad Station, Wednesday, October 26th New Milford Library, Mark Alberston, Horseback to Helicopters, Saturday, October 29th at 12:00 p.m. Sing Out! CT will present a musical tribute “Celebrate America” at the bandstand on the Green, and Quilts of Valor will host presentations on Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29th at The Wall. The phenomenal documentary directed by Chris Bryant, Soldiers of Vietnam will be shown at Bank Street Theater October 26th and 27th at 3 p.m. and October 28 and 29th at 10:45 a.m. and 12 p.m.
Connecticut Vietnam Veterans causalities and Missing in Action exhibit created by Eileen Hurst Director, Veterans History Project CCSU will be on display from October 26 – 30th at The Wall, and at the New Milford Town Hall there will be a 6 weeks Gold Star display opening on October 20th also created by Eileen Hurst.
During our Opening Ceremonies at 10:00 a.m., we will welcome guest speakers Jimmie W. Spencer, Command Sergeant Major, USA, Retired Consultant The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration on Friday, October 28th and Dr. Linda Schwatz