12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The Chapter’s 28th Annual JROTC Armed Forces Career Officers’ Day (AFCOD) and luncheon was held on 22 Nov 2016, from 9 am to 2 pm, at McCormick Ranch Golf Club in Scottsdale, AZ. In coordination with other Valley service organizations, our Chapter has sponsored this event. It is designed to expose high school JROTC Cadets to the challenges of a career in the military and the rewards of service to the country. The event focuses on all branches of the Armed Forces, and brings in representatives from commissioning sources such as all the Service Academies, ROTC, various military institutes and Officer Candidate School. This year we hosted cadets from 34 institutions of learning, with over 335 JROTC students, educators, sponsors, military members, recruiters, veterans and family members attending. The event opened with the Carl Hayden HS JROTC Color Guard presenting the colors and vocalist, Miriam Schildkret, Doctor of Musical Arts Candidate at ASU, singing the National Anthem. Speakers included Commander Matthew Beare, USN, XO of the Naval Recruiting District Phoenix, and MAJ Brian Dudley, USA, XO of the AZARNG Recruiting Battalion. As usual, during the program, Chapter President COL (Ret) Jeanne J. Blaes, called attention to the Vietnam Veteran Commemorative Partnership Program and display, which was set up in the front of the room. Vietnam combat and era veterans were recognized and presented with special Chapter pins (for combat duty) and eagle head (era) lapel pins by LtCol (Ret) Ray Boucher. Photos of our display and presentations are attached. We have yet to determine the best way to keep the program going while capturing the names of the recipients of the VVCP lapel pins that are presented. Group photos of awardees at the end of the program are somewhat problematic, as well. Three additional lapel pins were taken by Medal of Honor recipient, Fred Furgeson for family members. America’s Yodeling Sweetheart, Paula Williamson, lead the group in singing the Army Song