12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The Gila Butte Arizona Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution is pleased to honor veterans of the Vietnam War through the eyes of our guest speaker, William Reeder, Jr., Ph.D. of Seaberg, Washington. Bill Reeder is a retired Army Colonel and highly decorated combat veteran of Vietnam. Bill's words reinforce the themes of courage and sacrifice, undying faith, strength of family, love of country, loyalty of comrades, and the realization of how precious freedom is - the freedom we often take for granted.
Two local residents both fought in one of the fiercest battles of the Vietnam War and emerged as heros, and cited for their bravery. Forty-five years later. They will reunite with another veteran of that battle at the Sun Lakes Country Club on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. Their story is fascinating. Two received Silver Stars, our nation's third highest award for heroism for their actions that day. Two were captured by the North VietnameseArmy three weeks later, spending nearly a year as prisoners of war. Two are native born Americans. One is a naturalized American citizen.
Dan Jones of Ahwatukee, then an Army Chief Warrant officer, was a Cobra attack helicopter pilot. Xanh Nguyen of Phoenix, then a South Vietnamese Air Force Lieutenant, was an A-1 Skyraider attack airplane pilot. Their compatriot, William Reeder, Jr of Seabeck, Washington was also a Cobra pilot and flying as wingman to Dan Jones.
Please join us to honor our Vietnam veterans and veterans of all branches of the Armed Forces.