12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The 10th District, Department of Missouri, American Legion (St Louis County) is proud to announce a very special ceremony, The Reading Of The Fallen Vietnam War. Starting at sunrise 0540 hours, May 25, 2017, to honor the 50th Year Commemoration of the Vietnam War, we will avow the 58,312 military members who were killed in action or succumbed from wounds received in combat zone. Continuously over the next 4.5 days, this will happen at Sylvan Springs County Park, at the Wohlschlaeger Shelter.
Additionally, we will have short stoppages to allow Veterans, local families, friends & supporters to personally avow their loved one who has passed from effects of Vietnam like Agent Orange, PTS, and other maladies.
And every day at 1800(6pm), we will present DOD issued lapel pins to all Veterans who served during Vietnam either in combat zone or not along with Presidential Certificates that commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.
There will be many opportunities for groups like Veteran organizations, Boy Scouts, churches, schools, civic organizations, chambers of commerce, or any group that would like to help perform this avocation of honor. Contact Mike LeBlanc stlveteran@yahoo.com for details and hour blocks available.
Lastly, we will have space for anyone that wants to place an object of remembrance to a friend, family member or loved one at the site.
This could be the first time a Reading of the Fallen Vietnam War has occurred.
Partnering with: St. Louis County Parks Department