12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Dear Jose Ramos, Greetings and Happy New Year from Sara De Soto Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Sarasota, FL. Thank you for your e-mail regarding the 50th Anniversary of Vietnam War plans that I have organized on behalf of our organization as partners of this important Commemoration of the Vietnam War.
My first event planned for 2018 will take place during the January 13 Tilley Colony, Florida Mayflower Descendants Society luncheon-meeting. being held at the Jacaranda West Country Club, Venice, Florida, 34293..
I will present a program about the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War and display the beautiful Commemorative flag, pins and brochures that General Claude Kicklighter had mailed to me in 2014. During this event I will present a framed NSDAR Award certificate to Captain John P.. Mange, United States Air Force, for his service during the Vietnam War, for his valor, service and sacrifice.
I will also display Sara De Soto, DAR special certificate showing that we are PARTNERS for the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam WAR.
Vietnam veterans will attend this luncheon, along with about 48 members and guests of the Tilley Colony Mayflowers Society