12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The website should be live by July 15. This one day symposium will examine a few key issues that continue to dominate the debate about the Vietnam War. Among them are: the war’s strategy; military leadership from the highest levels to junior officers in the field; survival as a POW in North Vietnam, and the impact of media coverage on public support for the war. All Vietnam Veterans in attendance will be recognized with commemorative pins during the dinner. Keynote is The Honorable Jim Webb. We have two panels on military strategy from the US, North Vietnamese & South Vietnamese perspectives with Greg Daddis, Mark Moyar, Pierre Asselin and Andrew Wiest. A panel "Courage and Loyalty: Leading Citizen Soldiers in Combat" with Phil Gioia, Ron Milam and Barrett Graham; Speaker former POW Hal Kushner, "Duty, Honor and Country:Surviving Captivity in North Vietnam"; panel "The Media and Reporting During the Vietnam War" with Joe Galloway, Dave Greenway and Jim Sterba; a dinner and speaker TBA. All takes place at Virginia Military Institute. We are requesting more pins than we need for this event to use during VMI class reunions for those who served in the war. We expect the attendees to be mostly Vietnam Veterans, VMI alumni, plus the general public, historians and VMI cadets. We have a professional conference team that puts on 5 - 6 conferences a year.