12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Good Morning Joe. Since we are getting close to my Reunion and the recognition of my Classmates who are Vietnam Era Veterans, I wanted to give you an update.
The contact from the VVA in Springfield, IL has not been much help at all. Last word I got from him was that he was working on support and that was in May. And with that being said, I am going to do the presentation myself without their support. I had planned on the recognition being held at the Vietnam Memorial in Springfield, but several Vets can not make that presentation so the Reunion Committee agreed to do it at our dinner and main event Saturday Night, the 29th of September. That way, all who are attending can see the presentation.
As of this morning, I have 38 Veteran's attending and waiting to hear from several more. If I could get, say, 40 Pins, Presidential Proclamations and bumper stickers, that would be fantastic. And I can pick up at your home, my home or your local favorite watering hole. We are going to have 175 Classmates and their spouses attending this event. I still have a few contacts in Springfield who might be able to get me a bit of local publicity with the local paper.
Once again, I want to thank you and Phil for helping with this. I am looking forward to the event and I know the Vets are also.
Mike Dahlkamp