12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Honored and thanked hospice patients who are Vietnam War veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice during the Vietnam War era. Patients were all either home or bed bound with limited life expectancy and unable to attend public recognition events. For each patient - played service song, read and presented framed proclamation, presented Vietnam Veteran lapel pin and read fact sheet about design of pin. Saluted Vietnam War Veteran and thanked them for their service to their country and their respective service. For many, this was both the first time they were thanked for their service, for all it was the last as they all passed soon after the recognition. Several of the Vietnam veteran patients were not aware of the event, instead, it was primarily for the families and they were very appreciative. I have seen the Veteran label pin on the deceased at several funeral services and the framed proclamation prominently displayed. I believe the VWC program is a very worthwhile and meaningful program and I know it has made a difference to the Vietnam veterans and families I have had to privilege to recognize and thank.