12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Draft with more details to follow
There will be three ceremonies. Thursday at 5 PM; Saturday at 11 AM and Sunday at 5 PM
Ceremonies will take place in the parking lot in front of the Purple Heart Memorial. Flat surface, easier for individuals to navigate than the grassy area in front of the wall. Certificate and Pins will be presented at each event.
Each ceremony will consist of the following:
Posting of the colors
National Anthem
Guest Speaker/Special Programming
Pin and Certificate Presentation
Opening Ceremony will include a welcome from the Mayor and laying of the wreaths for the Mecklenburg County listed. There will be 8 wreaths. We would like to include all our local veteran leaders. Purple Heart, VFW, Marine Corp League, American Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, Patriot Guard, Honor the Warriors. Each group will lay a wreath.
Dedication Ceremony will include a reading of the names from Mecklenburg County listed. Would like to include local veterans. Perhaps one person for each year. Mike P. is working on getting the bell from American Legion. (if not, MHVFD has a bell they use for ceremonies)
Closing Ceremony will include a reading of the letter from Vietnam soldier by Mike S. 21 Gun Salute; perhaps Fallen Soldier Bagpipe Tribute (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR87LsmXzBs)