12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The members of the Tenassee Chapter 3078 DAR, Confederate Gray Chapter 2681 UDC, in Partnership with the wives, families and loved ones of Vietnam Veterans Pledge to Present COMMEMORATIVE PARTNER LAPEL PINS to FIVE HUNDRED VIETNAM VETERANS in 2020. Through recognition and thanks for their service with a smile, hand shake, hug and Lapel Pin to every Vietnam veteran we meet. At the airports, food markets, on the street, in Public Parks and theaters. Wherever there is a woman or family member; associated with us, that is effective, supportive and thankful enough to recognize, thank and honor a Vietnam Veteran with a Lapel Pin.
The Tenasse Chapter 3078, NSDAR in collaboration with the Confederate Gray Chapter 2681 UDC has collectively presented 1,500 Lapel Pins, Certificates, Window stickers, Tin badges, Tri-fold brochures, Handshakes and Hugs to 1,500 Veterans since our first event in January of 2017. Our GOAL is to have reached out to 2000 by 2020!