12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The City of Longview, Overton Brooks VA Medical Center, East Texas Veterans Resource Center and Community Healthcore will hold the East Texas Area 2019 Operation Stand Down for Homeless Veterans at the Longview Exhibit Bldg. on Wednesday, January 23, 2020, 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., with an Opening Ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Operation Stand Down is a Healthcare, Benefits, and Services Fair for Homeless Veterans that will offer the following free services to all veterans: food, healthcare screenings, employment assistance, educational opportunities, housing assistance, legal services, VA benefits and services, social services, public benefits assistance, free haircuts, warm clothing, personal hygiene kits, and much more. In addition, a hot lunch will be served free of charge to veterans. Veterans are asked to please remember to bring their DD214 or VA ID card.