12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
We will have the program that is attached just like last year with slight modifications.
Veterans Day Ceremony and 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Commemorative Program
I. Opening remarks - Jane Hogan, District VI Director, NCSDAR, Davie Poplar Chapter
Larry Hines Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service NSDAR Representative, DAR Services to Veterans Committee, State Chair, Samuel Johnston Chapter.
II. The Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United State of America – Cory Wolfrom, Regent, General James Moore Chapter, NSDAR.
III. Opening Prayer - Mary Aker, District VI Vice Director, Smith-Bryan Chapter, NCSDAR
IV. National Anthem - Mary Norris, Regent Samuel Johnston Chapter, NSDAR providing Flute Music
V. National Anthem - Debbie Pappas, Regent Colonel Polk Chapter, NSDAR leading the National Anthem.
VI. Presentation on Vietnam Veterans Day - June Lioret, Regent of Rand’s Mill Chapter, NSDAR
VII. Poem “Freedom is not Free” – Mot McMahon, Regent Micajah Bullock Chapter, NSDAR
VIII. Missing Man Table - Emily Champion Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service NSDAR Representative and Regent of John Penn Chapter. NSDAR
IX. Poem “Not Forgotten” – Jaqui Perez Registrar Micajah Bullock Chapter NSDAR
Wreath Laying Service led by Patricia Poe, Regent General Davie Chapter
(Carole Cerezola, Carolyn Cordes, Brenda Odem, Betsy Paul)
X. Thankfulness- Sara Freeman, Vice Regent of Caswell-Nash Chapter, NSDAR
XI. Certificates Ceremony/God Bless America - Certificates are given out by members of all participating chapters.
XII. Washington’s Words – Barbara Post, Regent Davie Poplar Chapter NSDAR
Gifts from the Davie Poplar Chapter- Presented by Barbara Guest
Invitation to Transition – Jane Hogan
XIII. Bingo. Refreshments, Thank you cards – NSDAR members of Asbury Station, Caswell Nash, Colonel Polk, John Penn, Davie Poplar, General Davie, General James Moore, Micajah Bullock, Rand’s Mill, Samuel Johnston, Shocco Creek, Smith-Bryan, Thomas Person,