Thursday, November 01, 2012 - Sunday, November 04, 2012
All Marine F4 Phantom Foray and Reunion
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
The Marine Corps had more F4 Phantom squadrons in service throughout the world during the Vietnam war than any other single type aircraft squadron before or since Vietnam. The "before or since" are a long time, as we just celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Marine Corps Aviation" in Washington and around the Corps on May 22, 2012. There were more total helicopter squadrons of different types (UH-1 "Huey's," AH-1 "Cobras," CH-46 "Sea Knights," and CH-54 "Sea Stallions, and now MV-22 "Ospreys"), but not more of one type of helicopter squadron, like the twenty-five (25) F4 Phantom squadrons.
All Marine F4 Phantom Foray & Reunion
November 1-4, 2012, San Diego, CA, at the Town & Country Hotel All pilots, RIOs, officers, SNCOs and enlisted, who have served in a Marine F4 Phantom squadron or Group
Contact: or AFRI, 322 Madison Mews, Norfolk, VA, 23510 (Attn: Phantom Foray)
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