Friday, September 20, 2013
New Mexico Veterans Memorial Foundation
01:30 PM - 03:30 PM
The Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico
On May 25, 2012 President Barack Obama signed a proclamation that put into effect the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War that will continue until November 11, 2025.
Over the next 13 years, the program will “Honor and give thanks to a generation of Proud Americans who saw our country through one of the most challenging missions we have ever faced.”
The New Mexico Veterans Memorial is a proud partner in ensuring that the State of New Mexico Citizens never forget those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country during the Vietnam War. To honor each of these New Mexico Veterans, the New Mexico Veterans Memorial has requested Joe D. Salas, a Vietnam Veteran, to create the “Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico Memorial” Wall to be permanently displayed in a display case in the Visitor’s Center.
The memorial wall itself will consist of 399 names and photos of each of the New Mexico Veterans that served honorably for their country and who died in the Vietnam War. Mr Salas has personally researched this list thoroughly, as well as those of the POW/MIA’s and have determined their home of record to be of New Mexico. Directly below each Photo will be a small dog tag with the Veterans Names, Home of Record, Date of Casualty and the panel number where he can be located on the Vietnam Wall in Washington DC.
This wall will measure 15’ Long, will consist of 4 panels with the two center panels each measuring 58” High by 48” wide, the two end panels will each measure 58” high and taper down on one side to 54” high by 42” wide.
In addition, there will be two freestanding panels measuring 24” wide by 72” high. One will honor the 12 New Mexico POW/MIA’s still missing and the other will provide Facts, Stats & Myths about the Vietnam Veterans of New Mexico Memorial, the Vietnam wall in Washington DC and the Vietnam War.
There will also be 4 binders that will consist of in Alphabetical order, the Bio of each of the 399 Veterans who’s Photos are represented on the memorial wall. I also plan to have two additional binders and both having the same information on the Vietnam War.
This will no doubt be the most unique Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall ever constructed simply because you will be able to put a face to the name.
Please join us on Friday September 20th at the Memorial for the dedication of this heart-moving tribute to the New Mexicans that lost their lives in the loyal service to our Nation in the Vietnam War. For further details, please go to the Foundation web site: www.nmvetsmemorial.orgor call the Memorial at 505-256-2042.
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