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Sunday, April 07, 2013

Parade to mark 50th anniversary of Vietnam War

10:30 AM - 04:00 PM


Staff Writer

BENNINGTON -- Bennington sees its share of parades honoring veterans -- from Memorial Day, to Battle Day, to Veterans Day -- and this year it will also see one honoring the service of Vietnam veterans.

The parade scheduled for April 7, a Sunday, will start at the former Bennington Middle School and will make its way to the Vermont Veterans Home off North Street. John Miner, president of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter No. 601 in Bennington, said line-up is at 10:30 a.m., with the parade beginning at noon.

The parade is intended to honor all veterans, Miner said. However, once it reaches the Vermont Veterans Home, a ceremony will be held commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War -- or at least the era that has been designated for commemoration, 1962 to 1975.

"Every state will do something over the next 13 years," said Miner, referring to the Vietnam War Commemoration program which was created by the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act. The law authorizes the Secretary of Defense to create a program supporting, coordinating, and facilitating Vietnam war commemoration activities. Miner said 50 Vietnam commemorative flags will be loaned to the local Vietnam Veterans chapter to be flown around the Vermont Veterans Home for a month, starting April 7.

The ceremony will involve guest speakers. Invitations have been sent to Sen. Bernie Sanders and Gov. Peter Shumlin but no commitments have been made, said Miner. Retired Army Lt. General Claude Kicklighter, director of the national commemorative program, has also been invited to speak.

Miner said the parade itself will likely feature local veterans groups such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legions, his own group, Disabled American Veterans, Vermont National Guard Bravo Company, the U.S.S Bennington Association, and other groups like the Patriot Guard Riders, Vermont Rolling Thunder, American Legion Riders, and Mount Anthony Union High School Cadets.

Parade organizers are hoping for a strong turnout from the public, said Miner, and the parade also hopes to feature military vehicles as well as some antique vehicles which will be parked around the Veterans Home and be on display after the ceremony. Joining them will be representatives from the VA Medical Center with information on services for veterans.

Miner said the parade comes with some small expenses, which include about $1,500 to supply portable toilets as well as secure American Legion Post Five band. He said the Mount Anthony Union High School marching band will not be participating as it is not available on April 7.

"We are doing a little fundraising," he said, noting that the Vietnam veterans chapter intends to front much of the cost.

Contact Keith Whitcomb Jr. at kwhitcomb@benningtonbanner.com or follow him on Twitter @KWhitcombjr.


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