August 2011
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Thursday, August 18, 2011

TLCB National Reunion / 2011 "Back to The Wall" National Reunion*

All Day Event


Commemorative Event is Aug 18 at approximately 1930 Hrs at the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, Panel 44E
Reunion Festivities, Business, Auction, Banquet, Speakers at Sheraton Old Town Alexandria (703-836-4700)
The Thailand Laos Cambodia Brotherhood is a non-profit organization of Veterans of the Second Indochina War, commonly referred to as "the Vietnam War". We are comprised of Veterans of all Military Services, CIA, State Department, USAID, Allied Services and Family of Deceased Veterans.  Over the course of our 13 year history we have undertaken a difficult task of returning to the combat and combat support zones in Laos and northeast Thailand where our American volunteers are trekking into the bush to help build schools, provide sanitation facilities and clean drinking water, stock libraries with books in English, and promote the health and welfare of our former Allies. This is dangerous work on several levels and we do it at some risk to the life of our American volunteers. As of June 2011 we have provided  $319,447 through our audited TLCB Assistance Program. On August 18th - 20th we will come to Washington for the fourth time to celebrate our successes in a National Reunion.
Our theme is "Back to The Wall" and we will conduct a placing of the Wreath Ceremony at Panel 44E of the National Vietnam Veterans War Memorial known to us simply as "The Wall" on the 18th at about 7:45 PM. We will honor our fallen comrades on that panel - those brave U.S. Air Force Officers and Men who conducted a Top Secret covert mission atop a mountain called Phou Pha Thi in far northeast Laos. On the night of March 10-11, 1968 12 of these 16 men lost their lives during an incredibly skillful attack by North Vietnamese Special Forces - we had hopes that some of them might have survived as POWs but circumstances indicate that the 11 were killed. During the four hour fire fight that ensued, with overwhelming odds against us, CMSgt Dick Etchberger fought with uncommon valor to enable four other men to escape by Air America and USAF helicopter off the edge of the mile high cliff. The Chief was shot as he was last to board and he died enroute to a safe haven hospital in Thailand. Chief Etchberger was recently awarded the Medal of Honor by President Obama - 43 years after his death. This mission was so sensitive it was kept secret from the American public and the world for decades after its termination.
TLCB honors those men as a symbol of all who served in combat and combat support roles in South East Asia during the Vietnam War including the unreturned POWs and MIA, those Killed and those Wounded in Action, and all Surviving Veterans as well.


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