July 2012
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Saturday, July 28, 2012 - Sunday, July 29, 2012

Transportation Corps Reunion, Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport*

All Day Event


Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport
100 Marclay Rd.
Williamsburg, VA , 23185

(757) 229-9256

This is your chance to personally experience the sights, sounds and thrills of a heart pounding, high speed, treetop level ride with the doors open in the most famous aircraft of the Vietnam War. The Army Aviation Heritage
Foundation’s iconic UH-1 "Hueys" are perfectly preserved in authentic wartime colors and confi guration, carefully
maintained to the highest standards, and fl own by highly experienced pilots who are genuine combat veterans.
Donation $40 for current military, $45 for veterans, $50 for others.
(Minimum age 5, under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. More details at www.armyav.org )
Military Vehicle Preservation Society of Tidewater, Virginia Military Preservation Assn. and Air/Ground Operations Group present a tribute to US and Allied forces with a variety of military vehicles, weapons, equipment, uniformed reenactors, and more. Talk with real Vietnam War veterans, put on a GI’s gear, hold a US M16 rifl e or a VC AK47. Learn how Hueys, other helos and fi xed-wings were used in Airmobile Ops.
The (US Army) Transportation Corps Aviation Assn. and Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport are proud to host this 3rd Annual event . All are invited and attendance is free. Free parking at the airport provided by our local Civil Air Patrol cadets. Food and cold drinks for sale right on site. Additional military aircraft static displays are anticipated. The airport is close to many historical and entertainment attractions including Williamsburg Winery,
Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown Settlement, Yorktown Victory Center, Busch Gardens, and much more.
Websites: Transportation Corps Aviation Assn. www.tcavnassn.org Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport www.
williamsburgairport.com Army Aviation Heritage Foundation www.armyav.org Virginia Military Preservation
Assn. www.vmpa.us


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