The Greater Pennsylvania Military Preservation Association (GPMPA) proudly participated in the Michael J. Novosel M.O.H., Capital Chapter 542, Vietnam Veterans of America event October 13, 2012 in Harrisburg, PA. The event commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. Those in attendance heard the patriotic and inspirational words of CAPT. Charlie Plumb, USNR (Ret), former TOP GUN and POW. GPMPA members Chris Gray, Alan Beckwith, and Hunter Ryan participated in the “living” Vietnam statue as the audience paid solemn tribute to the memory of those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. Kneeling – “PFC” Allen Beckwith, “Lt. Col.” Julie Decker, MS, RN Standing – “PFC” Chris Gray, “SFC” Tom Gray, Chieu Van Le (VNAF), CAPT. Charlie Plumb, USNR (Ret.), “PFC” Hunter Ryan, and “Donut Dolly” Sue Gray
The hot and humid weather conditions of July 20 and 21, 2013 added to the authenticity of “Vietnam Revisited” event hosted by the Pennsylvania Military Museum located in Boalsburg, PA. Visitors to the event were able to walk “on patrol” with members of the Greater Pennsylvania Military Preservation Association (GPMPA), relax and gab a cold drink in the Red Cross tent, and witness triaging and field “surgery” in the medical tent. The highlight of the weekend was the engagement between the American forces and the Viet Cong.
The grounds of Old Bedford Village, a colonial themed village located in Bedford , PA, were transformed into a Vietnam era U.S. Army camp the weekend of August 10th & 11th 2013. Members of the Greater Pennsylvania Military Preservation Association (GPMPA) staffed the Vietnam Educational Project of Old Bedford Village. Visitors were given the opportunity to ride in a “duce” while experiencing an “ambush” at the hands of a Viet Cong unit. Additionally, many took advantage of the opportunity to blank fire the 30 cal. or 50 cal. During the afternoon ambush, the public observed triage, surgery, and a brief educational overview of the role of the Army Nurse Corps in Vietnam.