Featured School Projects
The Featured School Projects is a collection of specific schools’ service-learning programs and/or projects from schools across the country committed to thanking and honoring veterans. Perhaps your school will be inspired by the featured programs to engage in meaningful service-learning opportunities within your own local community. And, your school may also be featured on the website. If interested, you will need to provide a contact name and telephone number, 15-20 photos (school-approved jpeg images prior to submission) with brief captions that each include the name of the school, location of the school, name and date of the activity or event, names of individuals (if applicable), and the name of photographer (individual or entity) for proper credit. Your contact information will not be shared with others. It is required only to follow-up directly for questions or more specific information.
You are encouraged to share your school projects at: whs.pentagon.wso.mbx.vnwar50th-edu@mail.mil.