Musso, Michael


"… we had five missions. We had insertions, extractions, medevac, chase, and supply. So we put guys in, and we pulled guys out. We flew medevacs. If a big wig was coming into Da Nang, our duty was to give him security flight chase for them. And, of course, beer, bullets, and band-aids."

Description of Interview:

Michael Musso was drafted into the U.S. Marine Corps in 1966. He likens boot camp to high school football practice, and recalls being disliked by the drill instructor because he had grown up in Los Angeles, and had completed two years of junior college. He also remembers a young recruit killing himself at Camp Pendleton. Musso was set to be a Marine Aviator Cadet, but Congress cut off funds for flight training for two-year college men, so he instead went to avionics school at Naval Air Tactical Training Center in Memphis, Tennessee, where he studied electronics and radar repair. He specialized in Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) boxes and radar altimeters. Musso deployed to Vietnam in June of 1967, and was assigned to Marine Air Group 16, 1st Marine Air Wing at Da Nang. He describes guard duty and illumination flares and the boredom of fixing electronics equipment all day long in a small van. He volunteered to be a door gunner on helicopters when he wasn’t doing his main job as a technician. Musso tells stories involving race relations, MEDCAPs, Koreans, and Agent Orange, among many others.

Key Words: Edson Rifle Range, Camp Pendleton, San Diego MCRD, Service Record Book (SRB), Marine Aviator Cadet (MarCad), Quantico, Naval Air Tactical Training Center (NATTC) Memphis, avionics school, Sidewinder missile fire control system, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) box, radar altimeter, MOS 6222, escape and evasion school, Da Nang Air Base, Marine Air Group (MAG)-16, hand poppers, small van, Conex box, port door gunner, insertions, extractions, medevac, chase, supply (beer, bullets, band-aids), Military occupation specialty (MOS), Hill 327, Freedom Hill, Alice's Restaurant, Fricking New Guy (FNG), NAS North Island, MEDCAP program, Kraft Foods, Pepperdine University, Motorola, Stanine IQ test, Agent Orange
Key Names: Tom Mayo, Lieutenant Colonel Hocmouth, Captain Whiskey Whiskey Smith, Warren King, Martin Luther King, Major Franklin, President Johnson, Mike Alberici, Mr. Fessler, Mr. Shop, Fast Eddie, Bob Lyons, C. Everett Koop, Dr. Thomas Godon
Interview Date:
October 22, 2022
Service Date:
Marine Air Group 16, 1st Marine Air Wing
Service Location:

I Corps, Da Nang


Read the Complete Transcript of this Interview.