Houston's American Legion post recognizing Vietnam War veterans
Several men and women attended an event honoring Vietnam War veterans May 13 at Houston’s American Legion Post 41.
Submitted photo to Houston Herald
In 2008, Congress passed a law authorizing the Department of Defense to establish The United States of America Vietnam War 50th Commemoration designed to thank and honor Vietnam War veterans and their families.
On Memorial Day 2012, a ceremony held at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., officially launched the commemoration, that will run until Veterans Day 2025. In late October of 2012, The United States of America Vietnam War 50th Commemoration established the Commemorative Partner Program, a hometown- centric, veteran-focused initiative designed for federal, state and local entities and communities, veterans groups, civic groups, industries, businesses, museums, libraries, schools, educational institutions, associations and many other organizations to help recognize Vietnam veterans and their families where they live. Also, March 29 is observed as National Vietnam War Veterans Day.
On the evening of May 13, 2021, Houston’s American Legion Post 41 saluted 18 post members who are Vietnam War veterans and two surviving spouses of post members who were Vietnam War veterans. Gayla Bratton and Jerry Snyder awarded each member packets that included Certificates of Honor, Lapel Pins, Presidential Proclamations and other items courtesy of the United States of America Vietnam War 50th Commemorative Partner Program. slvbdlfbdnlfbf;ewfPost 41 and the Texas County Historical and Military Museum have teamed up and set a goal of reaching out to all Vietnam War era veterans in Texas County to honor their service to the Nation.
In the next three years in Texas County, there will be opportunity for all Vietnam War veterans, deceased Vietnam veterans’ surviving spouses, immediate family members of veterans listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., immediate family members of American military personnel listed as missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War by the Department of Defense, and living American military POW's from the Vietnam War to receive Certificates of Honor. Each veteran who served at any time on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces (regardless of location) during the period of Nov. 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, is eligible to receive one Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin.
For more information, call Ron Jones at 405-618-6779 or email amlegion41houstonmo@gmail.com.