VWC's Col. Tom pins former POW and Vietnam veteran SSgt David Harker, U.S. Army.
VFW National Commander Al Lipphardt shakes the hand of a VVA member.
Two Vietnam Riders Group members participate in the Drive by event.
The presentation of colors at the fair.
Photo of people in the grandstands at the fair.
VVA Shenandoah Valley Chapter 936 members.
Skydivers deliver the American and POW flags.
VWC's Col. Tom pins a Vietnam veteran.
Photo of a display booth at the fair.
Veterans sell caps at the fair.
VFW National Commander Al Lipphardt is pinned by VWC's Col. Tom.
Two women hold a conversation at the fair.
VWC's Ben Bryant thanks a Vietnam veteran.
VWC's Col. Tom pins a Vietnam veteran.
VFW National Commander Al Lipphardt poses for a photo with a Vietnam veteran.
An American flag waves in the breeze.
Members of VVA Shenandoah Chapter 936, VFW National Commander Al Lipphardt, VWC's Col. Tom and former POW and Vietnam veteran David Harker, U.S. Army, stand together holding a VWC Commemorative Flag.
VWC's Col. Tom pictured with a Vietnam veteran.
The County Fair Queen pictured with a veteran.
Two veterans pose with VFW Nat'l. Commander Al Lipphard.
VWC staff and VVA members hold a Commemorative Flag.
Col. Tom (right) poses for a photo with a Vietnam veteran and his wife.