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Welcome Home
Honor COncert
(Broadcast Version)

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Host a screening of the Emmy Nominated Welcome Home Honor Concert!

We have made the full broadcast version of the show available, at no cost to you, to help ensure this powerful musical tribute can reach as many of our Nation’s Vietnam veterans and their families as possible.

There are no minimum requirements to host screenings and the process is easy.  Please visit our screening package above to successfully host your Welcome Home Honor Concert presentation

A Nation Honors Our Vietnam Veterans and Their Families

Events held May 11-13, 2023 on
The National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Highlights from this multi-day event included the following:
  • May 10 featured a Gold Star Family screening of six films that illuminated the sacrifice, triumph and heart to move forward from the shadow of Vietnam. 
  • May 11 featured the opening ribbon-cutting ceremony and included speeches by numerous dignitaries, a flyover of four Vietnam War "Huey" helicopters, and an emotional Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin presentation.
  • May 11 also kicked off Camp Legacy which featured a Plaza of Appreciation featuring historical and museum exhibits, static displays, interactive engagements, and rally stations. This immersive experience included daily precision parachute drops by the U.S. Army Golden Knights team, as well as other outdoor entertainment with various performances by musicians such as The Angel Force Band, high school JROTC bands, military bands and drill teams from all service branches.
  • May 12 featured a panel discussion with five retired 4-star flag officers who served during the Vietnam War period. Eight panel discussions in all highlighted the wartime experience of military nurses, the challenges of telling the Vietnam War story, and other topics. 
  • May 13 concluded the large-scale event with a Welcome Home Honor concert production honoring Vietnam veterans and the people who supported them. This Honor Concert production is featured in the screening package above.



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Vietnam veterans who cannot attend an event can receive a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin by providing usa current mailing address here.

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