Commemorative Partner Listing

L+L Farms Liberty War Bird Association
L-3 Communications Liberty-Benton High School Support Our Soldiers
La Casa Veterans LifeChoice Hospice & Palliative Care
La Crosse County Council of the American Legion LifePath Hospice
La Crosse/Wausau Vet Center Light Horse Legacy inc.
La Cuesta Chapter NSDAR Light of the World Ministries, LLC.
La Jolla Chapter, NSDAR Lighthouse Brigade JROTC
La Junta Chapter DAR Lighthouse Point Chapter, NSDAR
La Puerta De Oro-San Francisco Chapter, NSDAR Lily of the Cahaba, NSDAR
La Villita Chapter NSDAR Lima Chapter DAR
Labette Community College Limestone Chapter NSDAR
Lachlan McIntosh Chapter, NSDAR Lincoln and Union County Veterans Service Office
Lackawanna County Department of Veterans Affairs Lincoln County Marines (MCL) Detachment 1405
Lackland AFB Commissary Lincoln University Blue Tiger BN ROTC
Lackland Air Force Base Exchange Lincoln VA Regional Office
LaCuesta Chapter NSDAR Lincoln Vet Center
Ladies & Gentlemen of the Washington St. Vet Cemetery Lincoln Veterans Parade Group
Ladies Auxilary VFW #5153 Line Creek Civitan Club
Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2350 Linn Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution
Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 10003 Linn County Veterans Affairs
Ladies Auxiliary VFW 2673 Cody, Wyoming Linthicum Veterans Memorial, Inc.
Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 11333 Listerhill Credit Union
Ladies Auxiliary, Military Order of the Purple Heart Litchfield, Park Sutter County LST Reunion Committee
Ladies Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1586 Little Arkansas Chapter, NSDAR
Ladies of the Lake DAR Chapter Little Blue River Chapter, NSDAR
Lady Fenwick Chapter NSDAR Little Creek Commissary
Lady Houston Chapter, NSDAR Little Falls Rotary Club
Lady Knox NSDAR Little Fort Chapter ISO-NSDAR
Lady of the Lakes Little Meadows Chapter SOAR
Lady Stirling Chapter 7019WA. NSDAR Little Neck Douglaston Memorial Day Parade Association Inc
Lady Washington Chapter, NSDAR Little River Chapter,NSDAR
Lafayette Gold Star Mothers Little Rock - Centennial DAR
Lafayette Spring, NSDAR Little Rock AFB Commissary
Lafayette-Lexington Chapter, NSDAR Little Rock Air Force Base Exchange
Lagonda Chapter DAR Little Rock Vet Center
Lajes Field Commissary Livorno Commissary
Lajes Field Exchange Llano Uplift Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution
Lake County Parks and Recreation Dept. Lloyd E. Hutcheson American Legion Post 113 S.A.L.
Lake County Veterans and Family Services Foundation LMI
LAKE COUNTY Veterans Service Commission Lockheed Martin/MILVET ERG
Lake Havasu City, Arizona Logan County Ohio Veterans Foundation
Lake Havasu Vet Center- Readjustment Counseling Services Logan County Veteran Service Office
Lake Minnetonka Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution Logan-Whitley Chapter, NSDAR
Lake Superior Chapter 119 of TREA - The Enlisted Association Logistics Health Inc.
Lake Superior Chapter, NSDAR Lohmann's Ford Chapter NSDAR
Lake Tahoe Chapter NSDAR London Chapter DAR
Lake Wales Chapter, NSDAR Lone Pine Tree Chapter NSDAR
Lakehurst NAES Commissary Lone Star - Daughters of the American Revolution
Lakeland Chapter, NSDAR Lone Star Officers Club
Lakeland Vet Center Lone Willow Chapter NSDAR
Lakewood Vet Center Long and Foster Real Estate Inc., Old Town Alexandria
Lakota Chapter, NSDAR Long Beach VVA #756
LAMORINDA VFW POST 8063 Long Cane Chapter, NSDAR
Lancaster County Veteran Services (NE) Long Island Air Force Association
Lancaster County, SC Veterans Affairs Office Long Island Chapter, NSDAR
Lancaster Vet Center Long Island Group, CAP
Langbrook Meadows Golf Course Long Island National Cemetery
Langley AFB Commissary Longmont American Legion Post 32 Honor Guard
Langley Air Force Base Exchange Long's
Lansdowne Chapter, NSDAR Longs Peak Chapter NSDAR
Lansdowne Woods Military Veterans Club Longs Peak Scottish Irish Highland Festival & Tattoo Estes
Lansing Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Looking Glass Prairie Chapter
Lansing Veterans Memorial Honor guard Loosa Schoona Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Lao Special Guerilla Unit - Connecticut Lorain County Veterans Services
Lao-Hmong American Coalition Lori Piestewa Post #80, The American Legion
Laredo Vet Center, 0712 Los Altos Chapter, NSDAR
Larson Torgerson American Legion Post 169 Los Angeles Air Force Base Exchange
Las Cruces High School Army JROTC Los Angeles Chapter_National Association of Black Military Women (LA_NABMW)
Las Cruces Vet Center Los Angeles National Cemetery
Las Vegas Valley Chapter, Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. Los Angeles Rams
Las Vegas Vet Center Los Cerritos Chapter, NSDAR
LaSalle High School Los Gatos Chapter, NSDAR
Last Man Club of Vietnam War Era of Saint Peter Los Lunas High School JROTC
Latgwa Chapter, NSDAR Lou Reda Productions
Laughlin AFB Commissary Loudon County Veterans Honor Guard
Laughlin Air Force Base Exchange Loudoun County VFW Post 1177
Laurel American Legion Post 123 Louis B. Wells, A.L., Post 183
Laurel Highlands School District Air Force JROTC PA-20091 Louis Higson VFW Post 1704
Lavender Hospice Louis Joliet Chapter NSDAR
Lawlers Barbecue Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
Lawrence Elks - Lodge 65 Louisa County Area Vietnam Veterans
Lawrence Kearny NSDAR Chapter Louisa County VFW Post 8947
Lawrence Viet Nam Memorial Louisa St Clair Chapter, NSDAR
Lawrenceville Vet Center Louisiana Bayou Chapter, NSDAR
Lawton Chapter, NSDAR Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs
Lawton Vet Center Louisiana Military Museum
LCDR Robert W. Holland VFW Post 12217 Louisiana National Cemetery
LCpl Kenneth L Worley Young Marines Louisiana National Guard
Le Detroit Baptist Church LOUISIANA NAVAL WAR MEMORIAL COMMISSION (USS KIDD Veterans Museum (DD-661)
League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC Louisiana Purchase Chapter, NSDAR
Leatherneck Coffee Club of Northeastern Indiana Louisiana State Society NSDAR
Leavenworth National Cemetery Louisville Bats Baseball Team
Lebanon Correctional Institution VVA Chapter 592 Louisville Vet Center
Lebanon National Cemetery Loup Trail Daughters of the American Revolution
Lebanon VA Medical Center Lovely Purchase Daughters of the American Revolution
Lee Chapter, AUSA Low Country Veterans Group
Lee Coast Chapter Military Officers Association of America Lowell Spinners
Leesville Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol Lowell Veterans Services
LeFleur's Bluff Chapter, Daughters the American Revolution Lower Cape Fear Hospice
Legacy of Valor Loyal Order of Moose Lodge 135
Legion Mohawk Branch 219 Loyola University Army ROTC
Legion of Valor of the United States of America, Inc. LSU ROTC Program
Lehigh University ROTC Lt Robert Howson Hooe Chapter, NSDAR
Lehigh Valley Hospice Pocono Lt. Andrew Crockett Chapter, TNSSAR
Leland VFW Post 12196 Lt. George Farragut Chapter, NSDAR
Lemka-Stendel American Legion Post # 106 Lt. James Monroe Chapter NSDAR
Lemoore NAS Commissary Lt. Lansdale VFW Post 67
Lenape Middle School History Corps Lt. Thomas Barlow Chapter, NSDAR
Lenoir County Fair Association, Inc. Lt. William Brewer Chapter,NSDAR
Leon High School MCJROTC Lt.James Sheppard NSDAR
Leonard's Creek Chapter, NSDAR LTC Charles S. Kettles VA Medical Center
LeRay de Chaumont Chapter, NSDAR LTD CORP
Leroy R. Grumman Squadron, Civil Air Patrol Lubbock Vet Center
Lest We Forget Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Chapter NSDAR
Letitia Coxe Shelby Chapter, NSDAR Lucretia Leffingwell Chapter
Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter NSDAR Lucretia Shaw Chapter, DAR
Levisa River Chapter NSDAR Lucy Knox Chapter DAR
Lew Wallace Chapter, NSDAR Lucy Meriwether Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution
Lewis and Clark Chapter MOAA Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter #4-001 - MI (NSDAR)
Lewis Chapter DAR LUDLOW VFW POST 3236
Lewis G Watkins Det 1131, Marine Corps League Luiseno Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution
Lewis-Clark Chapter, DAR Luke AFB Commissary
Lewis-French American Legion Post 604 Luke Air Force Base Exchange
Lewiston Vet Center Lutheran Hospice
Lexington Chapter DAR Lutheran Hospice and Palliative Care
Lexington Chapter, KSDAR Lydia Barnes Potter Chapter, NSDAR
Lexington County Veterans Affairs Lydia Cobb Quequechan Chapter Massachusetts Daughters of the American Revolution
Lexington Vet Center Lyford CISD (Home of Patriotism)
Libertad Chapter DAR Lyman Hall Chapter, National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Liberty Bell Chapter, NSDAR Lynch Livestock, Inc
Liberty Bell of the West, NSDAR Lyndon B. Johnson Navy JROTC
Liberty Thunder Motorcycle Club Lynnhaven Parish Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Liberty Union VFW Post 3761 LZ Killer B, Vietnam Veteran's Association INC.
Liberty University & The Office of Military Affairs