Saturday, October 20, 2012
Dinner in Honor of Arizona Viet Nam Veterans
05:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Wild Horse Pass Hotel and Casino5040 Wild Horse Pass Blvd
Chandler, AZ , 85226
Program of Events
Master of Ceremonies
Colonel Joseph E. Abodeely, USA (Ret.)
1730 Check in and Social Hour in foyer (No host bar and Ensemble)
1830 Seating of attendees
Posting of colors (Vietnamese color guard) and National Anthems
Fr. John Martin, S.J. gives a special prayer
Welcome and Recognition of Dignitaries
Message from the Highly Venerable Chan Ton, Phoenix Buddhist Temple
(Vietnamese Buddhist Monk) Presented by Anh Nguyen
Colonel Joey Strickland, USA (Ret.),
Director of AZ Department of Veterans Services
AZ Secretary of State Ken Bennett
Mr John Garcia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Governmental Affairs
Vietnam action video and a toast
TAPS played by Vern West
Keynote speaker, Lieutenant General Mick Kicklighter, USA (Ret.)
Recognition of Vietnam veterans
Ensemble plays the service songs
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